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Trade Directories - Longsleddale

A list of businesses in Longsleddale is given in the following local directories (pre 1912):-
buttonParson and White 1829 -- History, Directory, and Gazetteer, of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, with that Part of the Lake District in Lancashire, forming the Lordships of Furness and Cartmel, by William Parson and William White, published by W White and Co, 1829.
buttonMannex 1849 -- History, Topography, and Directory of Westmorland, and Lonsdale North of the Sands in Lancashire, by P J Mannex, published by Simpkin, Marshall and Co, London, 1849.
buttonKelly 1858 -- Post Office Directory of Westmoreland and Cumberland, published by Kelly and Co, London, 1858.
buttonBulmer 1885 -- History, Topography, and Directory of Westmoreland, by T F Bulmer, published by T Bulmer and Co, Manchester, Lancashire, 1885.
buttonKelly 1894 -- Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland, published by Kelly and Co, London, 1894.
buttonKelly 1897 -- Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland, published by Kelly and Co, London, 1897.
buttonBulmer 1905 -- History, Topography, and Directory of Westmorland, published by T Bulmer and Co, Manchester, Lancashire, 1905.
buttonKelly 1906 -- Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland, published by Kelly's Directories, London, 1906.
buttonKelly 1910 -- Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland, published by Kelly's Directories, London, 1910.

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year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1829 Greenwood, Rev Edward clergyman Woodhouse Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Holden, Joseph tailor Little London (1) Long Sleddale directory Parson & White 1829
1829 Sinkinson, Wilson & Sinkinson, Walker slate quarry proprietors Rangle Gill Long Sleddale directory (Wrengill Quarry): reside Little London Parson & White 1829
1829 Sinkinson, Wilson & Sinkinson, Walker slate quarry proprietors Little London (2) Long Sleddale directory quarrymen at Rangle Gill (Wrengill Quarry) Parson & White 1829
1829 Wilkinson, Lancelot schoolmaster Swinklehill Long Sleddale directory Parson & White 1829
1829 Adamson, Thomas farmer Low house Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint: resides Little London Parson & White 1829
1829 Adamson, Thomas farmer Little London (3) Long Sleddale directory farmer at Low House Parson & White 1829
1829 Dixon, John farmer Hollin root Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Douthwaite, William farmer Dale end Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint (not reliable) Parson & White 1829
1829 Elleray, Christopher farmer Docker nook Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Hanson, James farmer, yeoman Little London (4) Long Sleddale directory Parson & White 1829
1829 Hanson, John farmer, yeoman Little London (5) Long Sleddale directory Parson & White 1829
1829 Hoggarth, George farmer Little London (6) Long Sleddale directory Parson & White 1829
1829 Horsfall, James farmer Hill Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Hudson, Thomas farmer, yeoman Hill sole Long Sleddale directory (Tills Hole?) E side of Sprint (not reliable) Parson & White 1829
1829 Hudson, Thomas farmer Wadshaw Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Kellett, William farmer Ubarrow hall Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Kellett, Thomas farmer Mourthwaite Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Mattinson, James farmer, yeoman Sadgill Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint (not reliable) Parson & White 1829
1829 Mattinson, John farmer Beech hill Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint (not reliable) Parson & White 1829
1829 Mattinson, Michael farmer Tomshow Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Park, John farmer Brigde end Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Robinson, George farmer Tenter How Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Shepherd, Richard farmer High Swinkle bank Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Sinkinson, Robert farmer, yeoman High house Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Thompson, William farmer Well foot Long Sleddale directory W side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Walker, Edward farmer Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
1829 Walker, George farmer Middle Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory E side of Sprint Parson & White 1829
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1849 Airey, Christopher school master Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Mattinson, Michael High Sadgill Longsleddale Township directory Esq. Mannex 1849
1849 Walker, Rev Robert clergyman Chapel house Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Atkinson, James farmer Dockernook Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Dixon, John farmer Hollinroot Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Douthwaite, Thomas farmer Well foot Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Douthwaite, William farmer Dale end Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Fishwick, Thomas farmer Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Horsfall, James farmer Beech hill Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Hudson, George farmer, bailiff (Middle) Sadgill Longsleddale Township directory bailiff to Lady Howard Mannex 1849
1849 Hudson, Thomas farmer, yeoman Wadshaw Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Kellett, Ann farmer Ubarrow hall Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Kitchen, James farmer Tentor how Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Kitchen, Thomas farmer Hill Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Martindale, Benjamin farmer (Low) Sadgill hill Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Martindale, Thomas farmer Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Mattinson, Henry farmer Middle Swinklebank Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Mattinson, John farmer, yeoman Tom's ho. Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Sarkinson, Nathan farmer Mourthwaite Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Sinkinson, Miles farmer, yeoman Hikhouse Longsleddale Township directory (High House) Mannex 1849
1849 Taylor, John farmer Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
1849 Wilson, James farmer Nether house Longsleddale Township directory Mannex 1849
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1858 Mattinson, Mr John private resident Toms how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Mattinson, Michael private resident High Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Esq. Kelly 1858
1858 Sinkinson, Miles private resident Lowhouse Long Sleddale directory Esq. Kelly 1858
1858 Walker, Rev Robert clergyman Wood house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Bland, John farmer Tenter How Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Cowherd, Thomas schoolmaster Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Dowthwaite, Edmund farmer Hill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Dowthwaite, George farmer Murthwaite Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Dowthwaite, Thomas farmer Well foot Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Dowthwaite, William farmer Dale end Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Horsfall, James farmer Beech hill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Hudson, Thoms farmer Wads how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Hudson, Thomas farmer, bailiff Middle Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Hudson, George farmer Tilshole Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Kellett, Mrs Ann farmer Ewbarrow hall Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Kitching, Thomas farmer Kilnstone Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Kitching, William farmer, parish clerk Little London (1) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Martindale, Benjamin farmer Low Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Martindale, William farmer, farm bailiff Docker nook Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Mattinson, Henry farmer High Swindle bank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Rogerson, John farmer Bridge end Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Rogerson, Richard farmer Little London (2) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Stinton, William farmer Middale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Taylor, John farmer Low Swindle bank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Whitwell, George farmer High House Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
1858 Wilson, Mrs Agnes farmer Nether House Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1858
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1885 Burrows, Rev William clergyman The Parsonage Long Sleddale Township directory M.A. Bulmer 1885
1885 Marshall, Miss Georgina schoolmistress Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Whitwell, Mrs Jane High house Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Black, William farmer Tom's how Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Cragg, William farmer Yewbarrow hall Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Dawson, Joseph farmer Middle Sadgill Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Dixon, James farmer High Swinklebank (1) Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Dixon, Edmund farmer High Swinklebank (2) Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Dowthwaite, Henry farmer High Sadgill Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Dowthwaite, John farmer Dale end Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Fishwick, John farmer Low Sadgill Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Green, William farmer Murthwaite Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Harrison, Robert farmer, yeoman Till's hall Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Hudson, Thomas farmer, yeoman Wadshaw Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Just, John farmer Dockernook Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Martindale, John Thompson farmer Nether house Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Miles, William farmer Beech hill Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Redmayne, Marmaduke farmer Till's hall Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Rogerson, John farmer, yeoman Stockdale Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Stainton, William farmer Mid-dale Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Walker, Miles farmer, yeoman, , assistant overseer Low Swinklebank Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Whitwell, John farmer Low house Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
1885 Whitwell, William farmer Middle Swinklebank Long Sleddale Township directory Bulmer 1885
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1894 Wright, Thomas B school master Long Sleddale directory school attendance average 26 Kelly 1894
1894 Burrows, Rev William clergyman Parsonage Long Sleddale directory M.A. Kelly 1894
1894 Black, William farmer Toms how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Cragg, William farmer Yewbarrow hall Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Dawson, Joseph farmer Docker nook Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Dixon, Edmund farmer High Swinklebank (1) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Dixon, James farmer High Swinklebank (2) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Dowthwaite, Henry farmer High Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Dowthwaite, John farmer Dale end Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Fishwick, John farmer Low Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Green, Willliam farmer Murthwaite Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Martindale, John Thompson farmer Nether house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Miles, John farmer Beeck hill (1) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Miles, William farmer Beeck hill (2) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Mounsey, Hoggarth farmer Middle Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Park, Thomas farmer Tils hall Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Rogerson, John farmer Stock dale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Thompson, William farmer Middle Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Walker, Miles farmer Low Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
1894 Wilson, Thomas farmer Low house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1894
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1897 Halstead, Miss E J school mistress Long Sleddale directory school attendance average 24 Kelly 1897
1897 Burrows, Rev William clergyman Parsonage Long Sleddale directory M.A. Kelly 1897
1897 Black, William farmer Toms how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Cragg, William farmer Yewbarrow hall Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Dawson, Joseph farmer Docker nook Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Dixon, Edmund farmer High Swinklebank (1) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Dixon, James farmer High Swinklebank (2) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Dowthwaite, Henry farmer High Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Dowthwaite, John farmer Dale end Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Fishwick, John farmer Low Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Green, William farmer Murthwaite Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Martindale, Roger farmer Wad's how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Miles, John farmer Beech hill (1) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Miles, William farmer Beech hill (2) Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Morris, Edwin farmer Nether house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Mounsey, Hoggarth farmer Middle Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Park, Thomas farmer Tils hole Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Rogerson, John farmer Stock dale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Thompson, William farmer Middle Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Walker, Miles farmer Low Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
1897 Wilson, Thomas farmer Low house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1897
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1905 Harrison, Miss Mary Jane schoolmistress Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 McCall, Rev T H G clergyman St Mary's Parsonage Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Vinall, Mr Charles J Twinkle House Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Gibson, William farmer Middle Sadgill Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Black, William farmer Toms how Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Black, William farmer Middale Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Blenkinship, George farmer Whads how Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Carter, Thomas farmer Murthwaite Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Cragg, William farmer Yewbarrow hall Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Dawson, Joseph farmer Docker nook Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Douthwaite, Henry farmer Dale end Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Fishwick, John farmer High Sadgill Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Fishwick, John farmer Low Sadgill Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Grisedale, Thomas farmer Well foot Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Grisedale, Thomas farmer Hollins root Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Martindale, Richard farmer Low house Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Martindale, Richard farmer High house Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Nicholson, James farmer High Swinglebank Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Park, Thomas farmer Tills hall Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Robinson, John farmer Nether house Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Robinson, John farmer Tenter how Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Robinson, John farmer Bridge end Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Thompson, William farmer Middle Swinglebank Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Walker, Miles farmer, overseer Low Swinglebank Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Wilson, William farmer Beech hill Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Wilson, William farmer Kiln stone Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
1905 Wilson, Christopher farmer Stockdale Longsleddale directory Bulmer 1905
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1906 Harrison, Miss Mary Jane schoolmistress Long Sleddale directory school attendance average 24 Kelly 1906
1906 McCall, Rev John Henry Grice clergyman Parsonage Long Sleddale directory M.A. Kelly 1906
1906 Vinall, Charles James private resident Swinkle house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Black, William farmer Toms how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Black, William farmer Mid dale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Blenkinship, George Wads how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Carr, Frederick William farmer Middle Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Cragg, Thomas farmer Yewbarrow hall Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Dawson, Joseph farmer Docker nook Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Dowthwaite, Henry farmer Dale end Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Fishwick, John farmer Low Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Fishwick, John farmer High Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Gibson, William farmer Middle Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Grisedale, Thomas William farmer Well foot Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Martindale, Roger farmer Low house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Nicholson, James farmer High Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Park, Thomas farmer Tils hole Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Robinson, John Thompson farmer Nether house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Thompson, William farmer Murthwaite Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Walker, Miles farmer Low Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Wilson, Christopher farmer Stock dale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Wilson, William farmer Beech hill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
1906 Wilson, William farmer Kilnstone Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1906
year name role house/site parish name event comment source
1910 Titley, Miss Lucy E schoolmistress Long Sleddale directory school attendance average 20 Kelly 1910
1910 McCall, Rev John Henry Grice clergyman Parsonage Long Sleddale directory M.A. Kelly 1910
1910 Vinall, Charles James private resident Swinkle House Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Alderson, John farm bailiff Long Sleddale directory bailiff to William Farrer Kelly 1910
1910 Black, Michael farmer Middale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Black, William farmer Toms how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Blenkinship, George farmer Wads how Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Carr, Frederick William farmer Middle Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Cragg, Thomas farmer Yewbarrow hall Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Dawson, Joseph farmer Docker nook Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Dowthwaite, Henry farmer Dale end Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Fishwick, Joseph farmer Low Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Fishwick, Joseph farmer Middle Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Fishwick, Joseph farmer High Sadgill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Martindale, Roger farmer Low house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Nicholson, James farmer High Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Park, Thomas farmer Tils hole Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Robinson, John Thompson farmer Nether house Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Rogerson, Richard farmer Stock dale Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Thompson, William farmer Low Swinklebank Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Wilson, Christopher farmer Kilnstone Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
1910 Wilson, William farmer Beech hill Long Sleddale directory Kelly 1910
year name role house/site parish name event comment source

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