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Jurors' Lists, Poll Books, Electoral Registers - Longsleddale

The people in these lists are limited to those of particular status and prosperity, some of whom owned estates in Longsleddale but lived elsewhere. But they do provide links between names and houses in Longsleddale at dates when there might have been no other events recorded. Only a selection of years are presented here.

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Jurors' Lists 1775-1801 - this selection is from the Quarter Session records available in Kendal Record Office WQ/RJ/1-13, "A List of the names & places of abode of the several Persons qualified to serve on Jurys for the said County" (Westmorland) and under the heading of Longsleddale. They are also known as Freeholders Lists; eligibility was confined to men who owned freeholds, (or some leaseholds), of a certain value. A yeomen usually worked the land he owned and any servants were his assistants; a gentleman did not work with his hands, might have a profession, or perhaps be retired; esquire implies holding an office under the Crown. From 1820 onwards information about a wider group of landowners can be found in the Poll Books and Electoral registers.

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year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source
1775 2.10.1775 Harrison, George Nether house Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Wilson, John Tenterhow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Godmond, Christopher Dockernook Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Wilson, Robert Wellfoot Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Gibson, Edward Stainton Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Newton, John Langdale Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Mattinson, John Sadgill Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Fenwick, Thomas Borrow Hall Longsleddale esquire jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Hudson, George Swinklebank (1) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Walker, Miles Swinklebank (2) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Benson, James Houseman Tenement Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Sinkinson, Miles Chapel House Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Todd, Christopher High House Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Sinkinson, Robert Lowhouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Sampson, John Nethergraveship Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
1775 2.10.1775 Lowis, Thomas Dale-end Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/1
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source
1783 10.10.1783 Newby, William Finklestreet, Kendal Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Godmond, Christopher Dockernook Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Wilson, Robert Wellfoot Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Gibson, Edward Stainton Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Mattinson, John Sadgill Longsleddale gentleman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Fenwick, Thomas Borrow hall Longsleddale esquire jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Hudson, George Stockdale Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Walker, Miles Swinklebank Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Benson, James Houseman Tenement Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Sinkinson, Miles Chapel house Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Wilkinson, Henry Stramongate, Kendal Longsleddale gentleman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Todd, Christopher High house Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Sinkinson, Robert Low house Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Hudson, William Woodhouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
1783 10.10.1783 Sampson, John Turnpike Gate nigh Kendal Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/2
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source
1786 2.10.1786 Newby, William Finklestreet, Kendal Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Godmond, Christopher Dockernook Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Hudson, William Wadshow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Wilson, Robert Wellfoot Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Gibson, Edward Bowstone Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Mattinson, John Sadgill Longsleddale gentleman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Fenwick, Thomas Borrow Hall Longsleddale esquire jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Hudson, George Stockdale Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Walker, Miles Swinkle Bank Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Sinkinson, Miles Chapel House Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Todd, Christopher High house Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Sinkinson, Robert Low House Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
1786 2.10.1786 Sampson, John Murthwaite Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/3
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source
1791 7.10.1791 Wilson, Richard Tenter How Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Godmond, Christopher Dockernook Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Mattinson, John Bitch hill Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Hudson, William Wadshow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Gibson, Edward Bowstone Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Mattinson, James Sadgill (1) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Mattinson, Michael Sadgill (2) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Hudson, George Stockdale (1) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Fenwick, Thomas Borrow Hall Longsleddale esquire jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Shearman, Robert Scout Green Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Walker, Miles Swinklebank Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Sinkinson, Miles Chapelhouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Wilkinson, Henry Kendal Longsleddale gentleman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Sinkinson, Robert Low house Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Sampson, John Kendal Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
1791 7.10.1791 Anson, James Stockdale (2) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/4
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source
1797 7.10.1797 Wilson, Richard Tenterhow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Godmond, Christopher Dockernook Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Mattinson, John Bitch hill Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Hudson, Thomas Wadshow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Mattinson, Michael Tomshow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Hudson, George Tillshole Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Mattinson, James Sadgill Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Anson, James Stockdale Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Walker, Miles Swinkelbank Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Sinkinson, Miles Chaplehouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
1797 7.10.1797 Sinkinson, Robert Lowhouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/7
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source
1801 1.10.1801 Wilson, Richard Tenterhow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Mattinson, John Bitch hill Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Hudson, Thomas Wadshow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Mattinson, Michael Tomshow Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Hudson, George Tillshole Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Mattinson, James Sadgill (1) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Anson, James Stockdale Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Walker, Miles Swinklebank (1) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Sinkinson, Miles Chaplehouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Sinkinson, Robert Lowhouse Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Anson, John Sadgill (2) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
1801 1.10.1801 Benson, James Swinklebank (2) Longsleddale yeoman jurors list WQ/RJ/9
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere place of qualification rank event source

Poll Books - as with jury service, the entitlement to vote in Parliamentary elections was mostly restricted to freeholders - "The Poll for Knights of the Shire to represent the County of Westmorland". Poll books were introduced in 1696 to show how electors had voted, in order to prevent fraud by returning officers, and they continued until 1868, after which the secret ballot was introduced. Poll books for the years 1820, 1826, 1832 are in Kendal record office WQ/RPE/1/1, WQ/RPE/2/1, WQ/RPE/3/1: 1826 has not been transcribed because no houses are recorded.

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year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualifying freehold description voted for comments event source recno
1820 [22].3.1820 Anson, James Long Sleddale Long Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Anson, John Long Sleddale Long Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. took freeholder's oath poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Godmond, Christopher, Esq London Long-Sleddale Viscount Lord William Lowther & Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Greenwood, Edward, Rev L. Sleddale L. Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Hudson, James L. Sleddale L. Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Hudson, Thomas snr Waddshow L. Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Hudson, Thomas jnr Till's-hole L. Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Hutchinson, Mark Stockdale L. Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Mattinson, John Long Sleddale Long Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Mattinson, Michael Long Sleddale Long Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Sinkinson, Robert Long Sleddale Long Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Walker, Miles L. Sleddale L. Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Wilkinson, H, Rev Sedbergh L. Sleddale Viscount Lord William Lowther & Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Wilson, Thomas Tenter How L. Sleddale Viscount Lord William Lowther & Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
1820 [22].3.1820 Wilson, Joseph Timporan Hall Long Sleddale Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/1/1
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualifying freehold description voted for comments event source recno
1832 [22].12.1832 Anson, John Sadgill (1) Sadgill (1) freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 3
1832 [22].12.1832 Wilson, Joseph Timpron Hall nr Penrith Dale End freehold house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 21
1832 [22].12.1832 Greenwood, Edward Wood House Wood House freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 35
1832 [22].12.1832 Hudson, Thomas Wadshow Wadshow freehold house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 39
1832 [22].12.1832 Kellett, William Yewbarrow Hall Yewbarrow Hall rental of houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 40
1832 [22].12.1832 Mattinson, James & Son Sadgill (2) Sadgill (2) freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 43
1832 [22].12.1832 Wright, John Nether House Nether House rental of house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 48
1832 [22].12.1832 Walker, John Swinklebank (1) Swinklebank (1) rental of house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 53
1832 [22].12.1832 Mattinson, Michael Sadgil (3) Sadgil (3) rental of house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 54
1832 [22].12.1832 Sinkinson, Robert High House High House freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 56
1832 [22].12.1832 Walker, William Swinklebank (2) Swinklebank (2) freehold house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 57
1832 [22].12.1832 Anson, James Stockdale Stockdale freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 58
1832 [22].12.1832 Horsfall, James Hill Tenement [Hill & Under Hill] rental of house & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 59
1832 [22].12.1832 Mattinson, John Tom's How Tom's How freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 66
1832 [22].12.1832 Mattinson, James & Son Tom's How Middale freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 67
1832 [22].12.1832 Sleddale, William Hollin Root freehold Viscount Lord William Lowther & Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 162
1832 [22].12.1832 Hudson, Thomas jnr Till's Hole Till's Hole freehold houses & land Henry Brougham Esq. poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 209
1832 [22].12.1832 Rigg, William Flookborough Long Sleddale freehold houses & land Viscount Lord William Lowther & Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther poll book WQ/RPE/3/1 231

Electoral Registers - the Reform Act of 1832 widened the franchise to include some leaseholders and tenants, depending on the acreage or value of the property, and by 1875 the franchise had been extended further. Kendal Record Office have electoral registers dating from 1833, WQ/RPE/. Transcribed here are the Registers of Persons entitled to vote who qualify in Longsleddale, at approximately 10 year intervals.

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year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1833 [ ].9.1833 Anson, John Sadgill (1) freehold houses & lands Sadgill (1) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3852
1833 [ ].9.1833 Anson, James Stockdale (1) freehold houses & lands Stockdale (1) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3853
1833 [ ].9.1833 Cragg, James Stockdale (2) rental of house & land Stockdale (2) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3854
1833 [ ].9.1833 Chernside, Robert Alexander Rue Richlieu, Paris an annuity out of Mr Godmonds estate Long Sleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3855
1833 [ ].9.1833 Dorville, Richard Bath an annuity out of Godmonds estate Long Sleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3856
1833 [ ].9.1833 Greenwood, Edward Wood House freehold houses & lands Wood House electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3857
1833 [ ].9.1833 Godmond, Christopher No 10 Nicholas Lane, London freehold farm & other lands (Long Sleddale) occupied by Christopher Elleray electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3858
1833 [ ].9.1833 Hudson, Thomas Wadshow freehold house & land Wadshow electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3859
1833 [ ].9.1833 Hudson, Thomas jnr Tills Hole freehold houses & lands Tills Hole electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3860
1833 [ ].9.1833 Horsfall, James Hill Tenement rental of house & land Hill & Under Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3861
1833 [ ].9.1833 Kellett, William Yewbarrow Hall rental of houses & lands Yewbarrow Hall electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3862
1833 [ ].9.1833 Mattinson, James snr Sadgill (2) freehold houses & lands Sadgill (2) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3863
1833 [ ].9.1833 Mattinson, Michael Sadgill (3) rental of houses & lands Sadgill (3) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3864
1833 [ ].9.1833 Mattinson, John Toms How freehold house & land Toms How electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3865
1833 [ ].9.1833 Mattinson, James jnr Toms How freehold houses & land Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3866
1833 [ ].9.1833 Mattinson, Robert Birtch hill freehold houses & land Birtch hill electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3867
1833 [ ].9.1833 Rigg, William Flookborough in the Parish of Cartmel, in the County of Lancashire freehold house & land High House electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3868
1833 [ ].9.1833 Sinkinson, Robert High House freehold houses & lands Killstone occupied by William Kellet electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3869
1833 [ ].9.1833 Sampson, John Kirkland, near Kendal freehold houses & lands Moorthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3870
1833 [ ].9.1833 Sleddale, William Raw Head, Hutton le Hay freehold houses & land Holin Root electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3871
1833 [ ].9.1833 Walker, Edward Swinklebank (1) freehold house & land Swinklebank (1) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3872
1833 [ ].9.1833 Walker, William Swinklebank (2) freehold house & land Swinklebank (2) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3873
1833 [ ].9.1833 Walker, John Swinklebank (3) rental of house & land Swinklebank (3) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3874
1833 [ ].9.1833 Wright, John Nether House rental of house & land Nether House electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3875
1833 [ ].9.1833 Walker, Robert Woolsthorpe nr Grantham, Lincolnshire freehold house & land Swinklebank (4) electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3876
1833 [ ].9.1833 Walker, Miles Courten Hall, near Northampton freehold house & land Swinklebank (5) occupied by Edward Walker electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3877
1833 [ ].9.1833 Wilson, Thomas Lane Head, Helsington freehold house & land Tenter How occupied by George Robinson electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3878
1833 [ ].9.1833 Wilson, Joseph Timpron Hall, nr Penrith freehold house & land Dale End electoral register WQ/RPE/4 3879
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1843 10.11.1843 Anson, James Stockdale freehold houses & land Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1414
1843 10.11.1843 Atkinson, James Docker Nook 100 acres of land, as occupier Docker Nook electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1415
1843 10.11.1843 Chirmside, Robert Alexander Rue Richlieu, Paris an annuity out of ... Godman's land, Longsleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1416
1843 10.11.1843 Dorville, Richard 17 Park Street, Bristol an annuity out of ... Godman's land (Longsleddale) electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1417
1843 10.11.1843 Godmond, Christopher No 10 Nicholas Lane, London freehold houses & land Longsleddale occupied by James Atkinson electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1418
1843 10.11.1843 Greenwood, Edward, Rev Wood House freehold houses & land Wood House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1419
1843 10.11.1843 Harrison, Robert Low Levens freehold houses & land (Middle) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1420
1843 10.11.1843 Hogarth, John Bridge End 100 acres of land, as occupier Bridge End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1421
1843 10.11.1843 Horsfall, James Beach Hill 70 acres of land, as occupier Beach Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1422
1843 10.11.1843 Hudson, Thomas snr Tillshole freehold houses & land Tillshole electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1423
1843 10.11.1843 Hudson, Thomas jnr Wadshaw freehold houses & land Wadshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1424
1843 10.11.1843 Martindale, Benjamin Low Sadgill 200 acres of land, as occupier Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1425
1843 10.11.1843 Mattinson, James Inkin Cragg, near Kendal freehold houses & land Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1426
1843 10.11.1843 Mattinson, Michael (High) Sadgill freehold houses & land (High) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1427
1843 10.11.1843 Mattinson, John Thoms How freehold houses & land Thoms How electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1428
1843 10.11.1843 Mattinson, Robert Selside Hall freehold houses & land Beach Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1429
1843 10.11.1843 Rigg, William Flookburgh, parish of Cartmell, Lancashire freehold houses & land Kilnstone occupied by William Kellet electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1430
1843 10.11.1843 Robinson, Edmund Middle Sadgill 200 acres of land, as occupier Middle Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1431
1843 10.11.1843 Sinkinson, Robert High House freehold houses & land High House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1432
1843 10.11.1843 Sinkinson, Miles High House freehold land Longsleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1433
1843 10.11.1843 Sleddale, William Raw Head, Hutton-le-Hay freehold houses & land Hollin Root electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1434
1843 10.11.1843 Walker, Robert Woolstrop, near Grantham, Lincolnshire freehold houses & land Swindale Bank (1) electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1435
1843 10.11.1843 Walker, Miles Curton Hall, Northampton freehold houses & land Swindale Bank (2) electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1436
1843 10.11.1843 Wilson, Joseph Timpron Hall, near Penrith freehold houses & land Dale End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1843/4) 1437
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1854 30.11.1854 Bland, John Tenterhow house & land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Tenterhow & Bridge-end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1484
1854 30.11.1854 Bland, John Migdale, near Shap occupier of houses & land at £50 per annum and upwards Docker-nook electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1485
1854 30.11.1854 Fothergill, George Taff Vale Iron Works, Glamorganshire freehold land Tenterhow & Bridge-end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1486
1854 30.11.1854 Godmond, Chistopher Docker-nook freehold houses & land Docker-nook electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1487
1854 30.11.1854 Harrison, Robert Low Levens freehold houses & land Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1488
1854 30.11.1854 Horsfall, James Beach-hill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Beach-hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1489
1854 30.11.1854 Hudson, Thomas jnr Wandshow freehold houses & land Wadshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1490
1854 30.11.1854 Hudson, George Sadgill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1491
1854 30.11.1854 Hudson, Thomas (Middle) Sadgill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier (Middle) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1492
1854 30.11.1854 Kellett, William Knaresborough freehold houses & land Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1493
1854 30.11.1854 Martindale, Benjamin Low Sadgill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1494
1854 30.11.1854 Mattinson, James Old Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale freehold houses & land Mid-dale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1495
1854 30.11.1854 Mattinson, Michael (High) Sadgill freehold houses & land (High) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1496
1854 30.11.1854 Mattinson, John Thom's How freehold houses & land Thom's How electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1497
1854 30.11.1854 Mattinson, Robert Sellside Hall freehold houses & land Beach Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1498
1854 30.11.1854 Mattinson, Henry High Swindale-bank occupying tenant of houses & land at £50 a year and upwards High Swindale-bank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1499
1854 30.11.1854 Rigg, William Flookburgh, Cartmel freehold houses & land Kilnstone electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1500
1854 30.11.1854 Rogerson, Richard Stockdale freehold house & land Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1502
1854 30.11.1854 Sinkinson, Miles Longwell, Selside freehold land Longsleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1502
1854 30.11.1854 Sleddale, William Rawhead, Hutton-le-Hay freehold houses & land Hollin root electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1503
1854 30.11.1854 Taylor, John Low Swindale-bank freehold houses & land Middle Swindale-bank occupied by Henry Mattinson electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1504
1854 30.11.1854 Walker, Robert, Rev Chapel house freehold houses & land High Swindale-bank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1505
1854 30.11.1854 Walker, Thomas Sellside Hall freehold house & land Low Swindale-bank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1506
1854 30.11.1854 Whitwell, George High House house & land of £50 per annum & upwards as occupier High House & Low House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1854/5) 1507
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1865 30.11.1865 Barrow, Thomas Mosdale, near Penrith freehold houses & land Dale-end, Longsleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1679
1865 30.11.1865 Bland, John Tenterhow house & land of £50 per annum & upwards as occupier Tenterhow & Bridge-end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1680
1865 30.11.1865 Bliss, Henry de, Baron Berkley House, Hyde Park Square, London freehold houses & land Hollin Root & Wellfoot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1681
1865 30.11.1865 Dent, William, Rev Wood House freehold house & land Wood House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1682
1865 30.11.1865 Dixon, James Wellfoot occupier of house & land at £50 per annum & upwards Hollin Root & Wellfoot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1683
1865 30.11.1865 Harrison, James The Terrace, Windermere freehold houses & land Netherhouse, Tenterhow, & Bridge-end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1684
1865 30.11.1865 Harrison, Robert Low Levens freehold houses & land (Middle) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1685
1865 30.11.1865 Horsfall, James Beach-hill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Beach-hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1686
1865 30.11.1865 Hudson, Thomas snr Wadshaw freehold houses & land Wadshaw electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1687
1865 30.11.1865 Hudson, George Tillshole land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Tillshole electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1688
1865 30.11.1865 Hudson, Thomas (Middle) Sadgill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier (Middle) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1689
1865 30.11.1865 Hudson, Edmund Low Sadgill occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1690
1865 30.11.1865 Kellett, William Knaresborough freehold houses & land Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1691
1865 30.11.1865 Kitchen, Thomas Yewbarrow Hall occupying tenant of house & land Yewbarrow Hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1692
1865 30.11.1865 Mattinson, Michael Castle-street, Kendal freehold houses & land Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1693
1865 30.11.1865 Mattinson, John Thom's How freehold houses & land Thom's How electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1694
1865 30.11.1865 Mattinson, Robert Selside Hall freehold houses & land Beach-hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1695
1865 30.11.1865 Rogerson, Richard Stockdale freehold house & land Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1696
1865 30.11.1865 Taylor, John Low Swindale-bank annuity out of freehold land Middle Swindale-bank property of Robt. Walker electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1697
1865 30.11.1865 Walker, Miles High Swinkle-bank freehold houses & land High Swinkle-bank, Hill, & Under-hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1698
1865 30.11.1865 Walker, Robert Budleigh Salterton, Devonshire freehold house & land Middle Swindale-bank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1699
1865 30.11.1865 Walker, Thomas Selside Hall freehold house & land Low Swindale-bank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1700
1865 30.11.1865 Whitwell, George High House house & land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier High House & Low House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1865/6) 1701
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1875 1.1.1875 Armistead, George Low Sadgill occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2124
1875 1.1.1875 Atkinson, John Nether-house occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards Netherhouse, Tenterhow, & Bridge-end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2125
1875 1.1.1875 Barretto, Henry, Baron Berkley House, Hyde Park, W. freehold houses & land Hollin-root & Wellfoot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2126
1875 1.1.1875 Dent, William, Rev Wood-house freehold houses & land Wood-house electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2127
1875 1.1.1875 Dixon, James Wellfoot occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards Hollin-root & Wellfoot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2128
1875 1.1.1875 Dixon, John High Swinklebank occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2129
1875 1.1.1875 Harrison, James Newby-bridge, Ulverston freehold houses & land Nether-house, Tenterhow, & Bridge-End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2130
1875 1.1.1875 Harrison, Robert Low-levens freehold houses & land (Middle) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2131
1875 1.1.1875 Hudson, Edmund Tillshole occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards Tillshole electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2132
1875 1.1.1875 Hudson, Thomas snr Wadshaw freehold houses & land Wadshaw electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2133
1875 1.1.1875 Hudson, Thomas (Middle) Sadgill land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier (Middle) Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2134
1875 1.1.1875 Kellet, John Knaresborough freehold house & land Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2135
1875 1.1.1875 Kitchen, Thomas Yewbarrow-hall occupying tenant of house & land (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Yewbarrow-hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2136
1875 1.1.1875 Mattinson, John Thom's How freehold houses & land Thom's How electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2137
1875 1.1.1875 Mattinson, Robert Forest-hall freehold houses & land Beach-hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2138
1875 1.1.1875 Reade, George Low-swinklebank occupier of house & land at £50 per annum and upwards Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2139
1875 1.1.1875 Rigg, Thomas, Rev Flookburgh freehold land Kilnstone, Longsleddale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2140
1875 1.1.1875 Rogerson, Richard Stockdale freehold house & land Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2141
1875 1.1.1875 Stainton, William Middale house & land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2142
1875 1.1.1875 Walker, Miles High-swinklebank freehold houses & land High Swinklebank, Hill, & Under-hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2143
1875 1.1.1875 Walker, Thomas Selside freehold house & land Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2144
1875 1.1.1875 Whitwell, George High-house house & land of £50 per annum and upwards as occupier High-house & Low-house electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2145
1875 1.1.1875 Cragg, William Murthwaite (occupier of) house & land of £12 and upwards (under £50 Rental) Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2146
1875 1.1.1875 Douthwaite, John Dale-end (occupier of) house & land of £12 and upwards (under £50 Rental) Dale-end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2147
1875 1.1.1875 Green, William High Sadgill (occupier of) house & land of £12 and upwards (under £50 Rental) High Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1875) 2148
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1885 1.1.1885 Barretto, Henry, Baron Berkley House, Hyde Park, W. freehold house & land Hollin-root & Wellfoot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5024
1885 1.1.1885 Black, William Tomshow house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Tomshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5025
1885 1.1.1885 Burrows, William Parsonage house & land as occupier of £12 a year & upwards Woodhouse electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5026
1885 1.1.1885 Cragg, William Yewbarrow hall farm as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Yewbarrow hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5027
1885 1.1.1885 Dawson, Joseph Middle Sadgill house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Middle Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5028
1885 1.1.1885 Dixon, Edmund High Swinklebank house & land as joint occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5029
1885 1.1.1885 Dixon, James High Swinklebank house & land as joint occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5030
1885 1.1.1885 Fishwick, John Low Sadgill house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5031
1885 1.1.1885 Harrison, James Newby bridge, Ulverstone freehold houses & land Nether house, Tenter how, & Bridge end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5032
1885 1.1.1885 Harrison, Robert Tills Hole farm as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Tills Hole electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5033
1885 1.1.1885 Hudson, Thomas snr Wadshaw freehold house & land Wadshaw electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5034
1885 1.1.1885 Hudson, Thomas jnr Wadshaw house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Wadshaw electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5035
1885 1.1.1885 Just, John Docker Nook houses & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Docker Nook electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5036
1885 1.1.1885 Kitchen, Thomas Yewbarrow hall house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Yewbarrow hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5037
1885 1.1.1885 Martindale, John Thompson Nether house houses & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Mether house, Tenter how, & Bridge end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5038
1885 1.1.1885 Miles, William Beech hill house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Beech hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5039
1885 1.1.1885 Rogerson, John Stockdale house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5040
1885 1.1.1885 Stainton, William Middale house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5041
1885 1.1.1885 Taylor, James Thompson Middle Swinklebank freehold house & land Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5042
1885 1.1.1885 Taylor, James Thompson Astrop hill, King's Sutton freehold house & land Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5043
1885 1.1.1885 Walker, Miles Low Swinklebank house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5044
1885 1.1.1885 Walker, Robert Portland square, Carlisle house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) High Swinklebank, hill, & Winder hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5045
1885 1.1.1885 Walker, Thomas Selside freehold houses & land Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5046
1885 1.1.1885 Whitwell, John Low House house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Low House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5047
1885 1.1.1885 Whitwell, William Middle Swinklebank house & land as occupier (at a rent of £50 and upwards) Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5048
1885 1.1.1885 Dowthwaite, Henry High Sadgill (occupier of) house & land (of £12 or upwards) High Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5049
1885 1.1.1885 Douthwaite, John Dale end (occupier of) house & land (of £12 or upwards) Dale end electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 5050
1885 1.1.1885 Green, William Murthwaite (occupier of) house & land (of £12 or upwards) Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1885) 2146
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1895 1.1.1895 Atkinson, George Dixon Barnsdale, Burniside freehold house & land Beech Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M10
1895 1.1.1895 Harrison, James Newby bridge, Ulverston freehold houses & land Nether Bridge, Tenter How, & Bridge End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M11
1895 1.1.1895 Harrison, Robert Stockdale freehold house & land Middle Sadgill & Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M12
1895 1.1.1895 Hudson, Thomas Wadshow freehold house & land Wadshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M13
1895 1.1.1895 Kellet, William Richard Atkinson Winsley Grange, Ripley, Yorkshire freehold house & land Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M14
1895 1.1.1895 Mattinson, Joseph Gill Cottage, Ings, near Kendal freehold houses & land Tomshow & Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M15
1895 1.1.1895 Rigge, William Postlethwaite, Rev Flookborough, Cark-in-Cartmel freehold house & land Stockdale poll at Kendal electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M16
1895 1.1.1895 Rogerson, John Stockdale freehold house & land Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M17
1895 1.1.1895 Taylor, James Thompson Hinton, Brackley, King's Sutton freehold house & land Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M18
1895 1.1.1895 Walker, Robert Portland square, Carlisle house & land as owner High Swinklebank, Hill, & Winder Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M19
1895 1.1.1895 Walker, Thomas East Above Park, Selside freehold house & land Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M20
1895 1.1.1895 Black, William Tomshow (occupier of) land & tenement Tomshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M21
1895 1.1.1895 Burrows, William Parsonage (occupier of) land & tenement Woodhouse electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M22
1895 1.1.1895 Cragg, John Middale (occupier of) dwelling house Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M23
1895 1.1.1895 Cragg, Leonard Bridge End (occupier of) dwelling house Bridge End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M24
1895 1.1.1895 Cragg, William Yewbarrow Hall (occupier of) land & tenement Yewbarrow Hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M25
1895 1.1.1895 Dawson, Joseph Docker Nook (occupier of) land & tenement Docker Nook electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M26
1895 1.1.1895 Dixon, Edmund High Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement - joint High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M27
1895 1.1.1895 Dixon, James High Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement - joint High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M28
1895 1.1.1895 Dowthwaite, Henry High Sadgill (occupier of) land & tenement High Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M29
1895 1.1.1895 Dowthwaite, John Dale End (occupier of) land & tenement Dale End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M30
1895 1.1.1895 Dowthwaite, John The Hill (occupier of) dwelling house The Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M31
1895 1.1.1895 Fishwick, John Low Sadgill (occupier of) land & tenement Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M32
1895 1.1.1895 Green, William Murthwaite (occupier of) land & tenement Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M33
1895 1.1.1895 Miles, Adam Beech hill (occupier of) land & tenement - joint Kilnstone electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M34
1895 1.1.1895 Miles, William Beech hill (occupier of) land & tenement - joint Beech hill & Kilnstone electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M35
1895 1.1.1895 Morris, Edwin Nether House (occupier of) land & tenement - successive Tenter End, Docker & Nether House, Longseddale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M36
1895 1.1.1895 Mounsey, Hoggarth Middle Sadgill (occupier of) land & tenement Middle Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M37
1895 1.1.1895 Park, Thomas Tils Hall (occupier of) land & tenement Tils Hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M38
1895 1.1.1895 Sharp, George Garnett House (occupier of) land & tenement - joint Well Foot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M39
1895 1.1.1895 Sharp, Joseph jnr Garnett House (occupier of) land & tenement - joint Well Foot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M40
1895 1.1.1895 Thompson, William Middle Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M41
1895 1.1.1895 Vinall, Charles H Swinkle House (occupier of) dwelling house - successive Spring Bank, Selside & Swinkle House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M42
1895 1.1.1895 Walker, Miles Low Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M43
1895 1.1.1895 Whitwell, William Under Hill (occupier of) dwelling house - successive Well Foot & Under Hill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M44
1895 1.1.1895 Wilson, Thomas Low House (occupier of) land & tenement Low House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M45
1895 1.1.1895 Martindale, John Thompson Nether house freehold land Cabin Close (Whitwell & Selside) (qualified to vote in Whitwell & Selside, not Longsleddale) electoral register WQ/RPE/(1895) M57
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.
1904 1.1.1904 Atkinson, George Dixon High Cragg, Underbarrow freehold house & land Beech Hill poll at Staveley electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N10
1904 1.1.1904 Harrison, James Newby Bridge House, Ulverston freehold houses & land Nether House, Tenter How, & Bridge End poll at Kendal electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N11
1904 1.1.1904 Harrison, Michael Mattinson Lancaster freehold house & land Middle Sadgill & Stockdale poll at Kendal electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N12
1904 1.1.1904 Kellet, William Richardson Atkinson Winsley Grange, Ripley, Yorkshire freehold house & land Murthwaite poll at Kendal electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N13
1904 1.1.1904 McCall, John Henry Grice, Rev Parsonage land & tenement Woodhouse (in list of owners) electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N14
1904 1.1.1904 Rogerson, John Bonningate, Kendal freehold house & land Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N15
1904 1.1.1904 Taylor, James Thompson Hinton, Brackley freehold house & land Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N16
1904 1.1.1904 Walker, Thomas East Above Park, Selside freehold house & land Low Swinklebank poll at Selside electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N17
1904 1.1.1904 Atkinson, William Middle Sadgill (occupier of) land & tenement Middle Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N18
1904 1.1.1904 Black, William Tomshow (occupier of) land & tenement Tomshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N19
1904 1.1.1904 Blenkinship, George Wadshow (occupier of) land & tenement Wadshow electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N20
1904 1.1.1904 Cragg, John Middale (occupier of) dwelling house Middale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N21
1904 1.1.1904 Cragg, Leonard Bridge End (occupier of) dwelling house Bridge End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N22
1904 1.1.1904 Cragg, William Yewbarrow Hall (occupier of) land & tenement Yewbarrow Hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N23
1904 1.1.1904 Carter, Thomas Murthwaite (occupier of) land & tenement Murthwaite electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N24
1904 1.1.1904 Dawson, Joseph Docker Nook (occupier of) land & tenement Docker Nook electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N25
1904 1.1.1904 Dixon, Edmund High Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement - joint High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N26
1904 1.1.1904 Dixon, James High Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement - joint High Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N27
1904 1.1.1904 Dixon, William High Sadgill (occupier of) land & tenement High Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N28
1904 1.1.1904 Dowthwaite, Henry Dale End (occupier of) land & tenement Dale End electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N29
1904 1.1.1904 Dowthwaite, John Stockdale (occupier of) dwelling house Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N30
1904 1.1.1904 Fishwick, John Low Sadgill (occupier of) land & tenement Low Sadgill electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N31
1904 1.1.1904 Grisedale, Thomas William Well Foot (occupier of) land & tenement Well Foot electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N32
1904 1.1.1904 Martindale, Roger Low House (occupier of) land & tenement Low House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N33
1904 1.1.1904 Miles, Adam Kilnstone (occupier of) land & tenement - joint Kilnstone electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N34
1904 1.1.1904 Miles, William Kilnstone (occupier of) land & tenement - joint Kilnstone electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N35
1904 1.1.1904 Park, Thomas Tils Hall (occupier of) land & tenement Tils Hall electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N36
1904 1.1.1904 Robinson, John Nether House (occupier of) land & tenement Nether House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N37
1904 1.1.1904 Thompson, William Middle Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement Middle Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N38
1904 1.1.1904 Vinall, Charles J Swinkle House (occupier of) dwelling house Swinkle House electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N39
1904 1.1.1904 Walker, Miles Low Swinklebank (occupier of) land & tenement Low Swinklebank electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N40
1904 1.1.1904 Wilson, William Stockdale (occupier of) land & tenement Stockdale electoral register WQ/RPE/(1904) N41
year date name residence in Longsleddale residence elsewhere qualification qualifying property comment event source no.

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